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Club Policies


“No-show” Policy – As most of our sister clubs have already done, the Fratellanza club implements a “no-show” charge of $10. The rules are as follows: The reservation “cut-off” date will remain unchanged, 3pm two days before each event, after which there will be a 24 hour “cancellation window” until 3pm the day before each event. Any cancellations made after the cancellation window has closed will be subject to a $10 cancellation fee. The person making the reservations will be responsible for any cancellation fees. Cancellation fees can only be waved by the President or his representative for the event in question. The time stamp on email and voice mail messages will be the final determination as to when reservations were made.

Reservation System – This system allows you to make reservations by phone or email, whichever you prefer. The phone reservations will no longer go to our Club phone line – they will be directed to a voice mail box. Please have your reservations in by 3pm on the posted date. We really need your help on this! The reason for this is to get a more accurate count of guests for each dinner so that we can have the correct amount of food on hand. Based on advance reservations and past history, food will be ordered for a certain number of diners for each event. In the future a dinner will be considered “sold out” when the reservation total reaches the amount of food ordered for that event. Each event will have only one person handling reservations, that person will be your sole contact for reservations and will be in the ticket window when you come to pick up your tickets! The goal here is to minimize the miscommunication that plagued our old system. Thanks in advance for your understanding in this very important matter.

Pricing  – Dinner pricing is found in the Newsletter. Wives pay members prices. Children are welcome unless otherwise noted.  Children 6-12 years old are 1/2 price, 5 and younger are free unless otherwise noted.

Birthday Dinners – We have two Birthday dinners per month. The first dinner, usually on the first Thursday of the month, is for men only. The second dinner is usually on the third Thursday of the month and ladies are welcome. Both dinners are for members and their guests. The Birthday dinners are always on Thursday, scheduling may change due to holidays.

Family Dinner Dance – The second Saturday of each month is our Family Dinner Dance when scheduled.  Members and their guests are welcome. After dinner there will be music for your dancing and listening pleasure.

Friday Luncheon – The fourth Friday of each month (date may change due to holidays) the Fratellanza and Ligure Clubs host a luncheon. Members and their guests are welcome.

Dinner Chairman – The monthly Birthday dinners each require a dinner chairman.  With the help of the President, the chairman will pick the dinner menu and help recruit the wait staff. Chairing a dinner is a great way for you and your friends to enjoy an evening together helping out the Club.

Waiting tables –  Club members are involved in serving almost every dinner we put on. Depending on the event you may be asked if you can come down a little early and help set tables. You will enjoy dinner with your fellow waiters and then work serving the dinner and busing the tables. First timers are welcome and there will always be plenty of experienced people to help you out. Ask any waiter for more information. Volunteer waiters will receive their share of any leftovers to take home.

Bartending –   Bartenders working at the Club are all members. The club has a need for afternoon and nighttime bartenders. Some training is required. Ask any bartender for more information. Both waiting tables and bartending are great ways to meet and work with other club members.

B. New Members

Unless membership is closed, new members are always welcome.  The procedure for membership application is outlined in our bylaws and is printed on the back of the Membership application.  Membership applications are available from any Officer or Board of Director and by downloading the form from this website under the ‘Become a Member’ section.

C. Club Members

Regular afternoon hours for the Clubroom Bar are Wednesday 1-5 pm. Members and their guests are welcome. The bocce courts are available for play and you may find a card game or two going on.

D. Christmas Party

The Children’s Christmas Party is held in early December.  Children and grandchildren of Members who attend to party can sit on Santa’s lap and receive a Christmas present. A light lunch is served before Santa arrives and all members and their families are encouraged to attend. Gifts are provided by the Ladies Club. In order to receive gifts and sit on Santa’s lap a form must be filled out and submitted to the ladies club.

E. Special Events

Throughout the year the Club will host special events.  Some are for Members only, some are for Members and their families, and some are for Members and their guests. Watch your Newsletter for information. 

F. Meetings

Members meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. We gather at 6:00 pm for a Spuntino and the meeting follows at 7:00. This is a great time to get to know other members.

G. Photography

Any photography taken on the property owned by The Fratellanza Club or at Club functions off-site can be used as marketing material without consent. If there is an image used of your likeness or of a dependant under 18 years of age, you may request to have the image removed from private or public publications.